Plastic Parts

  • Inspection machine for plastic parts


This inspection machine controls vacuum cleaner fan wheels in the plastics industry.

During this process the parts are conveyed through the machine, liftet and rotated, while a camera continuously takes pictures.

The image analysing software AVS analyses the taken pictures concerning the form and the color of the parts according to the selected preferences.

The inspection result is displayed on the screen. Inaccurate parts are rejected

Systemhaus I industrielle Bildverarbeitung I Inspektionssysteme I argus I  Bildverarbeitungslösungen I Lebensmittelindustrie I Kosmetik I Automotive I Pharma I Service I argus sensorsysteme I Smart Cameras I PC basierte Systeme I Global Shutter I GigE-Kamera I Bedienterminal I Prüfjob I Prozessstatistik I Schrift-Lesung I Code-Lesung I Etikettenkontrolle I Butzenkontrolle I Zeichen I Codes I Convenience-Produkte I Fernwartung I Bildanalyse-Software AVS I Prüfjobs I Typenerkennung I Serialisierung I Code-Lesung I Füllstandskontrolle I Kontrolle von Butzen